Utk pepagi macam ni... Hmmm... A few days ago, aku ada snap pic bilik aku... Hihihihi... Nak show off sikit la ni... *mode: berlagak nak mampus* ROFL!

Tu je pun aku nak tunjuk... Wahahahah!!!
4 April... Tak lama jer lagi... Apa special hari tuh? Of course la birthday salah sorang oppa kesayangan... Eunhyuk oppa punya birthday yang ke27!! Hohoho!

4 April gak hari bahagia utk fan Super Junior especially utk EunHae's shipper mcm aku ni... Donghae and Eunhyuk gonna release Oppa Oppa Japanese version on that date! WOHHHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Here, the teaser! OMG!!! SO COOL! It's 100000x times better than Korean version!
And this is the short version! Why did you both have to be so handsome, cute and gorgeous at the same time!? Oh my poor heart... Dear SM, please give more chance for EunHae to duet together! Kekekeke... I know SM also ships EunHae! Wahahaha!!
Let's see this picture...

Now, look at this one...

Last but not least... HOORAY!!! Mr Simple already reaches 40 millions views!!!! Let's make it to 100 millions, my ELF friends!!!
Hiyaahhh~~~ That's all... Sangat merepek pepagi ni... Hihihihi...