Monday, 19 March 2012


Day by day... It's more hurting...
I don't know it'll be this difficult...
I don't know it'll be this hard...
I don't know it'll be this hurt... My heart...
It keep crying inside...
'Cause nobody will see it...
Lemme just keep crying... Hurting...
How to make it feel better?

It keep eating me...
Why it's so difficult to get?
What am I suppose to do?

I can go back to the past...
So, I know what should I do...
So, I won't regret...
Or... Should I keep the faith?
Will it come to me?
I really need it...
But it's almost impossible to reach...
It CAN'T be reach by me...
I'm already losing...
There's no more hope...
I'll just keep hurting...
It can't be save anymore...

Can I still hoping for it?
Can I?
Should I believe it?
It's more hurting...
I don't know...

I don't wanna live like this...
But... Do I've a choice?
Can I make it more better?

Let me go...
Let me free...
Let me do whatever I want...

That... Wasn't the last time... Is it?
I still not satisfy...
I still need it...

What should I tell?
How should I tell the truth?
It's impossible...
Won't understand... Nobody...
I'm alone...
I'm sick...
I'm heartbroken...

It's hurt...
My heart... It's almost stop beating...
My breath... It's almost stop breathing...
My brain... It's almsot stop functioning...

Should I wait?
Should I be patient?

Please... Help me...

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