I was speechless but then, I think rationally. He’s going for 2 years, only 2 years and after that, he’ll comeback. I just have to wait patiently for his comeback on 2013, just like what I do right now, waiting for Kangin’s comeback who was enlisted to army last year. If I can accept Kangin’s hiatus, why can’t I accept Heechul’s?
I’ve become their ELF, their fan for more than 3 years. When I started to know them, they still have 13 members. In these 3 years, I witness many things, incidents and problems that they faced. I cry, laugh, and cheer for them. I’ll always support and stand by their side.
Instead of we cry ‘cause we feel disappointed since we won’t see Heechul oppa for 2 years, how about we cry ‘cause we feel proud of him? What he has to go through is something that we already know, it’s just that the matter come so sudden. We can’t prevent him from going there ‘cause we all know that we can’t.
If Heechul oppa knows about this, how will he feels? When he’s agree to go there, that’s mean, he already prepare for everything. How does he feel if he knows that his fan won’t let him go? What will he feel if he know that his fan crying ‘cause he’ll go to army and hiatus for 2 years?
That’s why I’m letting him go with a proud. I’m so proud of him. Heechul’s enlistment always reminds me that one day, my biases will also facing the same matter. That time, I’ve to prepare for everything and I’ve to accept everything although it’s hurt.
It’s only 2 years. If we still believe that Super Junior will become 13 again, although it’s going to take 10, 20 or 30 years, why can’t we wait for only 2 years? We’ve to stay stronger for the sake of our oppa!
Heechul oppa, it’s so sudden but I’m willingly letting you go for 2 years. I won’t say goodbye ‘cause I know you’ll make a greatest comeback after 2 years! ^^ Please take care of yourself and I hope, after 2 years, you become better person (I’m not saying that you’re bad! LOL!) than what you’re now. See you again!

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