On 9th December 2012 I woke up really early because I’m finally going to meet my friends after 1 year. I took a bus on 9.00 am to Seremban. Why Seremban? Well, you don’t have to know why. LOL! I was very excited because I’m got my freedom for a few days. No more works to think. When I arrived at Seremban around 4.00 pm, my dearest wifey, Dayah, came to fetch me with her roommate and fiancé.
We were on rushed to go to KWC to redeem the showcase merchandise and I swore that wifey’s roommate fiancé was like maniac! He drove the car so fast and its look exactly like Too Fast, Too Furious movie. =.= We arrived at KWC on 6.06 pm and the redemption counter already closed! So, we decided to stroll around the KWC. Wifey and I even went until level 15 to see the stage but damn! That level was so quiet and scary! LOL! We immediately went down.
Oh, before that, we read from Twitter, saying that fans already queued for the showcase at the LG level. I was shocked and didn’t believe it. It was only Sunday and the showcase was on Tuesday, there was no way fans would queue that early. We went to the LG level and what we saw really surprising! There was already people queued! It was totally crazy!
My stomach was growling since I only ate nasi lemak for breakfast and didn’t have lunch. Before we went home to wifey’s rent house, we went to dinner at Sofina Seafood. The food not bad, maybe because I was very hungry! LOL! After that, we went straight to the wifey’s house.
Acting like a tourist...
The next day, I woke up with the happy feeling although I felt really tired. I couldn’t wait to go to KL and met my ELF friends. Before we continued our journey, we went to eat breakfast at Komples Kejiranan Presint 11. Well, a must menu for breakfast, of course, a nasi lemak. Finished our breakfast, we rode a bus to Putrajaya Central and from there we took ERL to KL Central. It was our first time using an ERL and was quite shocked because the ticket is RM9.50. LOL! Whatever, we could arrive early.
Inside the bus also can posting!
When at KL Central, both of us were totally lost. LOL! We’re not familiar with KL, so it was kind of difficult. We took a train (I’m sorry because I’m not familiar with KL transportation, I don’t know how and what is the difference between Komuter, Putra or whatever train, LMAO! So, yeah) to Masjid Jamek station before change to another train to Hang Tuah station. Before starting our journey, I already make some researched about the hotel and KWC location. I thought our hotel was near Hang Tuah station but then I realized the hotel was near Imbi station. ROFL!
From Hang Tuah station, we walked to Tiara Inn Hotel, hotel that we were going to sleep for 2 days.
When we arrived at Tiara Inn Hotel, it was 1.00 pm and luckily the receptionist allowed us to check in early although the check in time is 2.00 pm. We went to our room to rest for a while before went out to meet our ELF friends at Berjaya Times Square. Again, we walked to BTS, it was tiring but fun though!
Wifey and I were busy posing, capturing and snapping picture of each other at the BTS entrance. LOL! The Christmas decoration really daebak! Then, we noticed a SJ-M banner at U Mobile shop there! Wow! Big banner and without wasting any time, we posing with that banner! LMAO! It was kind of embarrassing because people kept looking at us!
Feel like... 'kidnapping' the banner and put it inside my room
Also, for the first time, I met Unnie Farah and Unnie Fyza. Kekeke… Before this we were only contacting via Twitter or FB. It was fun to hang-out with friend that has a same interest with us. It was an enjoyable day. Oh, I bought a new lightstick (since my old lightstick was broken) at My Star. The shop has change! The last time I went to My Star was 2 years ago. It’s really different now. More K-pop merchandise and it’s daebak! I wish they open a shop like that at Penang too! It’s a heaven for K-pop lover like me!
We went to eat KFC for dinner, thanks to Unnie Fyza who treated us! Actually, our original plan was to eat Korean food, but never mind, KFC was great too! My favourite! Unnie Farah had to go back to meet her friend, leaving me, wifey and Unnie Fyza. We were still waiting for Unnie Lisa to arrive.
When Unnie Lisa arrived, it was already night. We decided to stroll for a while before heading back to the hotel. We went to the 7-eleven, wanting to buy something to eat at hotel that night, which is really wasted because we didn’t eat anything when arrived at hotel. LOL!
The day that I’ve been waiting finally came! I woke up on 5.30 am! Wow! Very early lor! Unnie Lisa wanted to take the concert ticket from her friend, so we decided to wake up early and went to KL Central to meet her friend.
With not having any breakfast, on 7.45 am, we arrived at KWC and damn! There were many fans queued!!! Since we were queuing beside the busy road, people that passing by, stared or looked at us weirdly! LMAO! The showcase would start on 8.00 pm but, on 8 am, fans already queued like the showcase was going to start soon. Hihihi… That how daebak K-pop fans are!
The craziness...
Around 10 am, the chaos started. Since there were a lot of fans queuing until blocking the main entrance of KWC, the asked us to go down to LG level, where the main gate located! Just imagine how could thousands of fans queuing there like a sardine in a tin can! It was really packed!
On 1 pm, the gate opened and they allowed fans to enter the showcase venue. But what make me really mad and pissed off was, fans that came late got to enter the showcase early! They cut the queue until we at the back, who came fucking early, got to enter the venue quite late and didn’t get the best seat! *sigh*
We got to enter the venue around 2.30 pm. I was really starving and luckily we could still go out from the venue. They attached a ‘special’ bangle around our wrist. ROFL! The bangle looked like the one when we enter theme park. Wifey and I managed to eat our breakfast + lunch. Yeah, a waffle and a glass of milo ice. We only ate that until the showcase end! My stomach is really daebak when I got to see my oppa.
Inside the venue. When the situation still calm...
Be inside the venue, doing nothing, was damn bored! The big screen was super bored! They kept playing an uninteresting video. JB… Bleh! This is K-pop showcase! It would be great if you show some K-pop video! Duh! I swore I almost slept. Me and non K-pop song, wasn’t a matching combination!
Then, I became high! Why? Super Junior M’s Perfection was playing on the big screen! ROFL! My eyes suddenly became so wide and fans inside the venue became high. The best part is, we kept shouting and followed the fanchant! It was daebak! After Perfection, they played Mama by Exo M. It was the first time I watched the MV! They played SPY after that, which is, once again make the ELF became high! Every time Leeteuk’s part, the scream and shouting became louder! Then, they played BToB’s song (sorry, I don’t know the song title). And… They kept repeating the video again and again. LOL! Not that I mind though!
Around 7 pm, the fans on the second floor (or level 16), started screaming, and we, the fans on the Super Zone were shocked and got up and run to get the best place! Damn! It was hectic! I almost tripped and I couldn’t imagine if I really trip! I might die! Hoh! Scary!
With fans kept pushing each other, until I couldn’t even put my hands up, we got to see a lot of commercials of the sponsor on the big screen but only 1 commercial caught our attention. One HD commercial because there’s Siwon. LMAO! It was funny because we could only see Siwon on the big screen but we still scream!
8.15 pm, the showcase began and wifey and me separated!!! I didn’t see her until the end of the showcase.
BToB was the first performer. To tell the truth, I only knew 1 song, which is, WOW but I really enjoyed their performance. Their voice is daebak. First time hearing they sang live and I think they’re very good! Minhyuk is handsome too! LMAO! I got to see him really close because he came to the right side often. Oh my gosh! Shamelessly, I only recognized Minhyuk! Sorry to others! *bows 90 degree* Then, 3 luckiest fans got to come to the stage and greet BToB! Oh damn! Although I don’t really know BToB, I was shouting crazily when that luckiest fangirl got to shake hands and hugged them! Gahh!! Jealous! There’s one thing that I respect and make my heart feel really warm. The way they bow to the luckiest fangirls. It was 90 degree bow! Wow! They got my respect! The last song they performed before leave the stage was definitely, WOW. Hihihi…
I was still holding my lightstick when BToB performed but when Exo-M’s, I already put my lightstick inside the bag. NO! I’m not hating them! LOL! My hand was hurt, plus I need to hold the camera too! I didn’t hold my lightstick when Super Junior M performed too. =.=
The 2nd performer was Exo-M. I wanted to enjoy the performance but I wasn’t into Mandarin songs (Super Junior is an exemption). I feel like Exo-M performance was such a rush. There was lack interaction with fans and I kind feel bad for them and their fans. I only managed to capture a picture of 1 member since they didn’t come to the front stage often!
I don't even know his name... LOL!
The last but not least, Super Junior M!!! The moment that I’ve been waiting for! When the host asked us weather we’re ready or not, the fans became loud and crazy! Even the VVIP stand up and came closer, some of them don’t even stand up when BToB or Exo M performed, but when SJ-M’s turn, they suddenly came closer. And fans at the VIP seat, already stand up on their chair! =.= Once again (like at MOA last year), the way Super Junior M appeared on stage really suspended! I became crazy for a while! This is the first time I got to see them really close although this wasn’t my first time saw them! I already went to SS2 and MOA, but my seat was far.
They started their show with Super Girl. It was DKFHADLKFHALDFHADLKGNDMNDSFKASNFKADNFDG!!!! Oh my Hae! He’s so sexy! LMAO! Bias much! When the Super Girl ended, they suddenly went to the backstage and we were like… What the fuck??? There’s no way they were only performing 1 song!! LOL! The host asked us again and again, we shouted SJ-M’s name!
They appeared back, so-oh-charmingly-yet-so-oh-sexily, sang At Least I Still Have You. Like always, they sang the ballad song greatly! The song is one of my favourite from SJ-M, so I was glad that they sang that song! I sang along with them, although my mandarin was… well… LOL!
Then, Ryeowook and Zhoumi (plus Eunhyuk’s rapping) sang a mandarin song! I almost died when Ryeowook came to the front stage and he was fuckin’ near with me! Oh dammit! I stared at his face, like, like, like, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him! He’s so cute and sometimes, he would smile shyly and oh my gosh! So cute! The embarrassing part, which is I didn’t even tell anyone yet… I thought Ryeowook was singing with Henry! I didn’t realize it was Zhoumi! Seriously! Is my eyesight this bad? LOL! Or my hearing worst? I’m totally paralyzed with Ryeowook! I only noticed it was Zhoumi when Eunhyuk suddenly came out, rapping!
And forgive my damn short-term memory, I didn’t remember what other songs they sang! Oh, they sang Destiny too! That’s all I remember! Damn my memory!
Oh, oh! Then Siwon suddenly appeared on the big screen! Although he didn’t come, I feel happy because he leave us some message! You’re really considering and I’m proud of you, oppa! I know you’re working hard on your new drama but, I miss you damn much!
The Q&A part was hilarious! They were asking to take out 3 questions by fans. The 1st question… Erk! I didn’t remember anymore!!! The 2nd question (if I’m not mistaken), “Would you stay longer at Malaysia?” and Eunhyuk was really cheesy! He asked all ELF to go to South Korea and live at their dorm! LOL! He said they can cook for us, sing and etc. ROFL! I really want to live at your dorm though. Would you let me? Hihihi…
The 3rd question was daebak! “If you’re a girl, which member you want to date?”. Jeng, jeng, jeng… I put my camera on a standby mode! I could feel something would happen! I was waiting for EunHae’s moment! Damn! They start with Ryeowook and he chose Sungmin. I didn’t remember if they ever ask Henry because the fans were loud (or am I having a short-term memort again?). Then, Sungmin chose Kyuhyun and fans, especially, KyuMin’s fans went FLKGHSDIFHAIOFJAFLJDKGLSDJGKLSFGJSLFKGSFDGSG!!!!! We shouted KyuMin KyuMin KyuMin loudly! We were expecting Kyuhyun to choose Sungmin but he chose Donghae! And this little kid (I mean Donghae), suddenly became so shy and act gedik-ly! LMAO! When Donghae’s turn, the fans (especially EunHae’s fan like me) became really crazy!!! We shouted “Lee Hyukjae, Lee Hyukjae, Lee Hyukjae”!!! LOL! I was hoping Donghae to choose Eunhyuk and the others member seemed to get what fans want! Sungmin pushed Donghae, then Kyuhyun pushed Donghae to Eunhyuk!!!! OH MY GOSHHHH!!!! OH MY OH MY!!!!! LSJASOIFJALKDFHDLKGHSFGLKSFJHGTIKFJGHSIFGHSDKFHAUIDFHDKJGHSFGKJFSHGSDIOFHDEIOFGDHIOGHSFGIKSFHGFKJGHFXOIGHSDIORUFAEWORUFASOIFUPWUEDGOPDFUHDFBGJF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And LEE FUCKIN’ HYUKJAE WAS ALMOST STRIPPING HIS CLOTH AND WAVING AND DANCING SEXILY IN FRONT OF DONGHAE!!! AND LEE FUCKIN’ DONGHAE SUDDENLY BECAME SHY BUT WALKED DAMN SHYLY TO EUNHYUK AND HUGGED HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, LPWSIWPODKASL;FCJDLKVGDSJNGJLKDNVLKDCJSOPJFASOIFJSA;FCJD;LVJKDJPOVJDGOPVDJVLDKJVSDLGKJGDSLGVJDSOFS!!!!! Excuse my EunHae’s shipping heart! LMAO! When Eunhyuk’s turn to choose, we were chanting Donghae’s name but he chose Zhoumi instead! Gahh!!! What’s this Lee Hyukjae? A revenge? ROFL! Then, Zhoumi chose Ryeowook. This Q&A part was enjoyable and fun!
Also, a part when Donghae ‘accidently’ revealed that SJ-M is going to film their new MV next week! LOL! Then, Eunhyuk asked him to show the dance a little. He danced but Kyuhyun stopped him. LOL! But, he dance again and this time, Sungmin stopped him. This kid, Lee Donghae! You really know how to make me fall in love with you more and more.
Then, there was a part, when the host asked the SJ-M members to guess what fruit that shown on the big screen. That was another part that brought laughter to the whole venue. LMAO! They were really funny. Donghae, I didn’t know that jackfruit called jackpot! HAHAHA! And Eunhyuk, I know that you’re a monkey but not all fruit is a banana. LMAO! The last picture show was durian and Sungmin was, “Ew, smell, smelly” OH MY GOD! CUTE!!!!!! Ryeowook confidently said the fruit name, “Durian. I like it” LOL! Look like Ryeowook can eat anything!
Their last song was Perfection. This is the daebak fanchant I ever heard! I’m almost cried!!!! The 1st time I could follow the fanchant perfectly!
Others picture are exclusive... LOL! Just kidding! Actually, this is the only picture that come out perfectly!
After they finished performing, Donghae came to the front to bow to the fan, before Eunhyuk came and join him. He held Donghae’s hand and they bow together. Then, they went to left side and bow again. That time, I was focusing at them, until Henry held our national, our Malaysia flag! He ran to the centre, with Malaysia flag, before disappeared to the backstage, with the flag! Oh my gosh! Henry, you make me felt proud!
The showcase ended but we kept chanting “encore, encore”. It wasn’t enough! I want more! The fans didn’t budge although we knew the showcase already ended.
Not long after that, we gave up and all of us, heading to the lift. Since the venue was at level 15, imagine how could we go down with just 3 lift still open? The lift was scary though! Wifey and I decided to use stair! Yes, we went down by stair from level 15 to LG. Such a memorable memory! LOL! Our feet were already tired but we couldn’t bear to wait or took the scary lift!
Merchandise & lightstick...
That moment, I realized that I was really tired, hungry and thirsty! We were looking for a shop to buy drink and finally, we found 7-eleven! It’s like heaven! LOL! I bought a big slurpy and 100+. We also bought a burger to fill our empty stomach. My feet couldn’t walk anymore. We decided to take taxi to our hotel. Once we arrived, bath, eating and immediately fell asleep. LOL!
The next morning, which is the last day for me to enjoy, came. I wanted to sleep more but couldn’t. I woke up, opened Twitter and FB, then looking at the picture or video that I managed to capture and snapped last night.
When we check-out, it was almost 12 pm. We walked to the BTS and planned to eat Korean food! Hooray! After a long time, I got to eat Korean food again! We order pancake, bibimbap and dukboki. Although I like Korean food, I don’t like kimchi! LOL!
After finished our lunch and took our selca at BTS (again!), we took a train to Puduraya. My journey almost ended. On 2.45 pm, I said goodbye to wifey and Unnie Lisa. I wonder when we will meet again. I went to meet my other ELF friend, Waddah, since she held my bus ticket. She had arranged a few ELF from Penang to come to KL but she didn’t come back with us, leaving me with all unfamiliar ELF. LOL! And all of them are Chinese. I’m the only Malay!
My journey as a fangirl officially ended. I hope I got a chance to start this journey again.
p/s: Sorry for the late post... Have been busy with work! :P
suka betul adik dengan manusia2 manchuria hensem ni.. abg ni org afrika je