A week to go! I'm going to see them again! My 2nd and might be my last time too. *sigh* I still hoping I've another chance to meet them. I'm not satisfied. Next week, they're coming for MOA Mnet Live 2011 with F(x), Miss A and B1A4. I just want to meet Super Junior. :P But, it's a good opportunity to meet other group too! XD
My 1st chanced I got to see Super Junior was last year for Super Show 2 at Malaysia. *sigh* Now, they already starting their Super Show 4. My chance to meet them for SS4 is so little. That's why I really wanna go to MOA.
And I'm going to meet my ELF friend too! I can't wait to meet my wifey again! XD
Me: Mak, cheq nak pi KL bulan depan leh? Ada reunion ngan kawan2 Mak: Tak tau la nanti tanya ayah hang
2 days later...
Me: Boleh tak cheq nak pi KL bulan depan? Mak: Tak payah duk mengarut la. Dah la pi sorang2. Me: Kawan cheq amik la nanti, kat Pudu. Mak: Tak payah la. Nak pi bawak adik hang. Jangan nak mengada pi sorang2. Kalau ada kawan ka sorang teman tak per la. Buat apa pi sampai KL. Depa nak jumpa, depa mai sini.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a life I’ve? What a mother I’ve? What a parents I’ve? For God’s sake, I’m 22 years old already. I’m not 12 years old child. I already live far away before. In that 3 years, did you see any change in me? Am I becoming another person? Am I becoming bad daughter? So, I’m just asking your permission to go for 3 days. Why’s it so hard?
Why can’t you let me go? Why did you control my life? Why did you so cruel? Why you didn’t ever understand my feeling?
I know how to take care of myself. I’m just a teenager who need my freedom.
Your words, it was really stabbing my heart. I’ve cried out loud for 2 hours, you heard it but just ignore it... It’s another stabbing inside my heart. Why, why is it so difficult to understand my feeling?
It’s not 1st time. I already feel hurt many time... Which... I don’t think I can’t bare it anymore. Can I just end my life? Can I run away? Can I?
My greatest time is, when I spend time with my friend. Now, every time I go home, I always cry. It’s like this house don’t feel like a house anymore. Stop controlling my life. I wanna have my life too.
People say when your heart hurt, just hurting your body. Is it true? Can I do it? Can I just die?
I’m sorry, friend. We might not able to meet anymore, especially my college friend. I’m sorry. You don’t have to invite me on your wedding. You don’t have to invite me to go on reunion or something like that.
Let I life alone. Let me be alone. I don’t wanna have a friend anymore. I wanna be ALONE!
After 22 years life, I wish... I was never born to this world... Just... Please, kill me... I’m begging...
Park Jungsu, Kim Heechul, Hangeng, Kim Jongwoon, Kim Youngwoon, Shin Donghee, Lee Sungmin, Lee Hyukjae, Lee Donghae, Choi Siwon, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Kibum, Cho Kyuhyun... My heart, my soul, my everything... Will always be with you guys... Saranghae!
Happy 6th Anniversary to King of Hallyu Wave, SUPER JUNIOR!
On MBC's Come to Play, Eunhyuk revealed that he was ranked last of the good looking member...
Eunhyuk "Within Super Junior, I was chosen as the least good looking"
Group Super Junior Eunhyuk revealed that he was ranked as the last of the good looking scale within Super junior.
On the 31st, ‘Come to Play’ guested the stars who have succeeded in promoting in China such as actress Jang Seohee, singer Lee Junghyun and group Super Junior’s Donghae and Eunhyuk.
On this day, there was a corner where the stars would confess their worry.. Eunhyuk confessed that just like how there is good looking scale within Infinity Challenge, there is also one for Super Junior.
He said, “1st is Choi Siwon and Donghae and Heechul are in the first half. I was in the lower half and I was chosen as the last.”
To this, Donghae added, “We voted solely on looks. We didn’t look at charms or personality, but only looks.” And the MC’s couldn’t hold their laughter and said, “That’s more sad.”
Also Eunhyuk confessed with seriousness, “I always thought behind me there would be Shindong hyung, Yesung hyung and Ryeowook but even Shindong was in the middle. I even thought of borrowing the power of modern medicine like Shindong did.”
On this episode, Super Junior’s Eunhyuk and Donghae drew attention by showing their 100,000,000 won worth trophy from their Chinese fans.
credit: to the news and translator p/s: I don't found to who to give the credit! =.=
Ok... I'm totally confused... What's handsome mean? LOL! Eunhyuk is not good looking? DAMN! Then, please describe what's good looking mean!? LOL! For me... He's good looking. He's handsome. Ok, different people have different opinion right?
There's one time, my co-worker watched Mr Simple live performance with me. When she saw Leeteuk, she was squealing about how handsome Leeteuk is. And when she saw Eunhyuk, she was like, "hey, he's beautiful but he's not really handsome compare to other" and I was like =.= Oh, is she mean that Eunhyuk is beautiful and not handsome?
Hell, I think that Eunhyuk is totally freakin' handsome! LOL! I'm being a bias here! But really... I always think that Eunhyuk is handsome. Maybe other members just want to tease him. Don't lose your confident, Eunhyuk-ah... You're still handsome and don't you dare do any plastic surgery! *glares*
This is my Super Junior rank based on their look ONLY... Yeah... According to me... LOL! Only top 6... Since... I CAN'T DECIDE! ROFL! They're all good looking! :P My bias rank, Donghae, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and Ryeowook. If I rank them based on their look????
6. Kyuhyun
5. Eunhyuk
4. Heechul
3. Siwon
2. Leeteuk
1. Donghae WHAT THE FISH! OH MY FISH! MY FISHY HAEHAE SO FUCKIN' HANDSOME! LOL! Ignore that... Bias too much... But I really think Donghae is the most handsome on Super Junior. Others always think that Siwon is number 1 and Donghae always behind him. But, LOL! Donghae is number 1 in my heart! Muahahaha! *ayat tak leh blah*
That's all. Different people have different thinks. :P